Journal #2

Its not just a car, its a black Toyota Camry.
Its not just food, its an omelet with spinach, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cheese, bacon and ham.
Its not simply music, its country, Tim McGraw's album with Faith Hill -- The Rest of Our Life.

How did Erica Meister's essay mentor to me?

Erica's essay gave me a look into her world and described things very well. She used emotional and gave examples of the things that happen in the environment of Northville High School. Its more than likely that her audience is able to relate to this on some level, assuming that the audience is high school education or higher. Her essay also showed me to look at things more observantly because many things can be seen that outsiders wouldn't even think of.

7 minute thought:

I am from a very suburban area in Pennsylvania. I went to one of the largest high schools in Pennsylvania, Cumberland Valley High School. Ranked in the top 100 of the United States. Most of the people that went to my school had parents that combined had an income of over $700k. Most kids my age were having their parents buy them Teslas, brand new Toyotas and other high end cars. While it was hard for me to watch this it really showed me how to value what I do have because my parents did not make that annual salary. Especially paying for my first car. There is a preconceived notion from many people that my school is very wealthy, privileged and unbelievably good at sports. With an olympic size swimming pool, a dome the size of most college gyms, a huge cafeteria, multiple basketball gyms and 3 workout cardio lifting rooms, an indoor turf...its easy to see where people may think things. And while some of that is good and very helpful to a good education it was very difficult for me to have the thought of going to such a big school and making a transition to such a small school. Because I wanted to actually know the people I graduated with instead of being shocked when someone walked across the stage at graduation and I did not know them.

Cumberland Valley High School

What do I see?

Lots of people
Variation of colors 
People studying
Large mountains 
Expensive cars
Vending machines
Swimming pool 
Tables and desks
Sports bags 
Water bottles

Pool water 
Rich kids


Music through people's air-pods
Kids laughing and screaming
Sports fans screaming
People chewing their fast food delivered to them for lunch by their parents


Predominantly caucasians, wealthy 


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