In Class Writing - 2/25

In class we discussed some examples of what positives and negatives are in shows that we watched as kids and what we we are watching now. 

We had discussed The Vampire Diaries, and how all the vampires are skinny, attractive and built. How there was no characters weren't any variation of different. This can be an issue of people comparing themselves that are watching.

One example was the positive and negatives of Disney films. There was a discussion on how back then the princesses were predominately white and it wasn't until recently that princesses were of color or a different race. Disney films also portray that the woman always need saving and doesn't give males the encouragement to be emotional.

There are cultural poisons in our society today, and I think social media is the revolving issue. We tend to compare ourselves and put on a facade of who we really are. There also is habits that form as well, such as the constant need to be on social media. For example, every time I am walking to a new class across campus it seems that the majority of people are on their phones.. This is in relation to constantly needing to know what is happening. I deleted my social media in the beginning of the semester and it is just amazing to see the transformation, how I feel about myself, look at others, focused other things etc. It was really hard for me to walk away simply because of the withdrawals, but I am so prided on being able to walk away from what felt like and was a toxic environment. 


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