
2 Scholarly Sources to use for Annotated Bib

Wright, G. gawright@samford. ed. (2018). “I’m a Soldier, not a Gender”:1 Iraq War Literature and the Double Bind of Being a Woman in Combat.  Women’s Studies ,  47 (6), 657–672. Jessica Trisko Darden. (2015). Assessing the significance of women in combat roles.  International Journal ,  70 (3), 454. Use the 3 sources from previous blogpost. 

Women in Combat In this article Heather Macdonald uses statistics to support her reasoning as to why she thinks women shouldn't be in combat. She talks about how the standards are being watered down because women are seen as weaker and this is an issue. She also goes in to discuss about how women have a different genetic makeup then men and how the standards are different from men and female weight. This article is from WestPoint the United States Military Academy for the Army. They discuss the roles of women in combat as well as how they are not the problem, the standards are. The stress can be very taxingly different for men and women. They also talk about the physical attraction within gender roles. Overall they say that changing culture takes time. This video doe

Reflection #2

During my process of becoming a better writer, this semester I learned a lot through the writing process. I learned how you must be meticulous every step of the way, it will reflect in my grade. Over the course of the semester I was able to find how I could use the resources around campus to my benefit outside of class to improve my grade and writing. Working in the drafting stage and proofreading stage of my writing gave me an idea of what I can look for on future papers. Through this process I learned that my writing is better, the more people that make corrections. I found that when having more options in the writing process I am able to use my judgement to make my paper great. I also learned that spending more time on an essay in the drafting process is beneficial to giving a quality paper. When rushed for me, I do not feel it is my best.  When completing my paper on the underlying truths of Instagram, it was hard for me to gather thoughts on this paper, which is why I sele

Middle Ground

The first video I watched was titled the Black Lives matter and Law enforcement episode. The supporters for each side tried to come to a conclusion that both sides matter and if they could see eye to eye. I do think that this debate was valid and very interesting to me, simply because I personally hold a non biased stance towards to both sides because I feel that it depends on the situation and I think there is more to a situation than the lives. Like what happened to cause something etc. The next video I watched was about immigrants and Trump supporters. As someone who has a lot of friends that are immigrants from the are I grew up, I have a good experience with people of this nature. So this video did a really good job at showing some of the underlying things that people wouldn't necessarily think or talk about when thinking of "Trumpers" or "immigrants." The immigrants in this video share their story in the video and the Trump supporters hear them out and t

ICE Method Practice

Jean Kilbourne, a media critic talks about the toxicity that is in our media today, she says, " “ Just as it’s difficult to be healthy in a toxic physical environment, if we’re breathing poisoned air for example, or drinking polluted water.  So it’s difficult to be healthy in what I call a “toxic cultural environment”--an environment that surrounds us with unhealthy images and constantly sacrifices our health and our sense of well being for the sake of profit" (Kilbourne). Jean Kilbourne, a media critic, talks about how the image of women is falsified, " T he image isn’t real; it’s artificial, it’s constructed" (Kilbourne). Relating to many examples of how it affects others, how the media sees it, how it is portrayed, she relates it to how the image of the women involved are artificial and not natural.

Critique #4 - Video Games

In the video by  Anita Sarkeesian she describes the different components of how women are seen and portrayed in video games. I do not play video games, however I have seen ads in New York City and other metropolitan areas for major video games like Grand Theft Auto which is a racing game but legitimately degrades women and police officers. Although it does have a explicit rating most parents of children have no knowledge of the true meaning behind this racing game.  “ At the same time that we allow our children to be sexualized, we refuse to educate them about sex.  The United States is the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t teach sex education in the schools.  And our children pay a very high price we have the highest rates of teen pregnancy and the highest rates of sexually transmitted illnesses by far, in the developed world.” In this quote it relates to what Sarkeesian was saying, these women are portrayed so negatively that kids think its ok to be around or to im

Critique #3

The first quote discusses stereotypes and characteristics that people tend to believe, most of them being false. Looking at society today this has positives and negatives. Next, there is talk about influence and how things impact kids at such a young age. This is unfortunate as most of it is falsely portrayed. Motivated representation is when there are specific visuals doing things to fit stereotypes and satisfy what is actually shown in our society. (ie white male doctor). I like in Archie's article he describes how they wanted to live their lives differently. They also discuss how media shouldn't be believed solely based off of that specific point of view. I selected this video from my cousin vinnie because it represents the stereotype of a lawyer and what they should look like. The image is constructed, because lawyers are suppose to pose that they have a facade and are very professional, however this is not the cas