Women in Combat


In this article Heather Macdonald uses statistics to support her reasoning as to why she thinks women shouldn't be in combat. She talks about how the standards are being watered down because women are seen as weaker and this is an issue. She also goes in to discuss about how women have a different genetic makeup then men and how the standards are different from men and female weight.


This article is from WestPoint the United States Military Academy for the Army. They discuss the roles of women in combat as well as how they are not the problem, the standards are. The stress can be very taxingly different for men and women. They also talk about the physical attraction within gender roles. Overall they say that changing culture takes time.


This video does a good job illustrating the differences in advantages for the males in combat than women in combat. It explains that women are at a significant disadvantage physically because of height, strides etc. There was a study done by marines that proved this. The study included stimulated to war for months and the males performed at a much higher rate than groups of both men and women.


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