Reflection #2

During my process of becoming a better writer, this semester I learned a lot through the writing process. I learned how you must be meticulous every step of the way, it will reflect in my grade. Over the course of the semester I was able to find how I could use the resources around campus to my benefit outside of class to improve my grade and writing. Working in the drafting stage and proofreading stage of my writing gave me an idea of what I can look for on future papers.

Through this process I learned that my writing is better, the more people that make corrections. I found that when having more options in the writing process I am able to use my judgement to make my paper great. I also learned that spending more time on an essay in the drafting process is beneficial to giving a quality paper. When rushed for me, I do not feel it is my best. 

When completing my paper on the underlying truths of Instagram, it was hard for me to gather thoughts on this paper, which is why I selected it. Ultimately my thesis is where I struggled the most selecting my key points that I wanted to express. After deleting all my social media, I knew I was able to provide my audience with firsthand experience. Overall my experience on this last writing I thought was most impactful for my future papers. Throughout my academic writing experience I have been able to invent things and recreate ideas that I think should be added to the subject matter. I also did this in my writing process talking about Instagram. I did this when talking about Kylie Jenner.  Academic writing and writing in general is definitely a process. It has taken me up to 3 hours just to draft a paper, consider my peer reviews to gather a final draft. Its a process that must be done meticulously in order to get one's desired results such as a B on a paper. 

Keeping in mind all my other course work and the amount that I am given in Academic Writing I feel that I am doing a good job at balancing my coursework and contributing daily. To include, turning all assignments in on time. 


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