Middle Ground

The first video I watched was titled the Black Lives matter and Law enforcement episode. The supporters for each side tried to come to a conclusion that both sides matter and if they could see eye to eye. I do think that this debate was valid and very interesting to me, simply because I personally hold a non biased stance towards to both sides because I feel that it depends on the situation and I think there is more to a situation than the lives. Like what happened to cause something etc.

The next video I watched was about immigrants and Trump supporters. As someone who has a lot of friends that are immigrants from the are I grew up, I have a good experience with people of this nature. So this video did a really good job at showing some of the underlying things that people wouldn't necessarily think or talk about when thinking of "Trumpers" or "immigrants." The immigrants in this video share their story in the video and the Trump supporters hear them out and the majority of them seemed neutral to where they respected them. They simply believe there needs to be more security.


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