Critique #2 Kid Stuff

One thing that I noticed while watching the video was that it is teaching younger children at such an early age that its their job to imitate the dominance that is shown in the movies. The "heroes or villains are more often than not something that children will look up to while they are younger, and its simply motivating the thought of being "alpha, strong, and in charge."

Finally, in the article, Doc is a 7 year old girl of color that works on her stuffed animals to fix their wounds and make them feel better as well as encourage them to keep good hygiene and wear seatbelts etc. This girl is an icon and a character that all little girls that come across the show. To relate to this more personally, I have a sister that is 5 that enjoys watching this show and even has a stethoscope and doctors kit that Doc McStuffins carries with her. I think that it all comes down to what is portrayed in shows for kids of what they comprehend and "learn to be ok with."

One show that I used to count down to watch as a kid to the point where it was used a positive reinforcement, Sesame Street does a terrific job of showing gender variation and equality. Now more relative Sesame Street has characters that are women in positions of power, the show also has characters that are gay. One video I remember as a kid is the the women can be song which is attached, it talks about women need to shoot high for their dreams. This is a positive image portrayed to girls and boys that women can do anything.


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