Reflection #1

In the beginning of the semester I established three goals for myself as a critical thinker; be more curious, ask questions and look things up that I am unsure of. With each of these goals, I have been actively integrating them into all of my classes by starting class with an open mind and wanting to improve myself. This has been a struggle for me simply because of the stress level that goes along with a semester in college. All of that aside, I have found myself this semester being more proactive with my school work by asking questions when I am unsure of something. 

For my blogs I try to do things that others would not think of. I like my coursework to be unique where others most likely others have not seen anything like it. I think that with my blogs I have applied the coursework  meaningfully by trying to keep it original and one of a kind. This demonstrates my ability to think outside of the box. 

Using other classes for example, I have put the skills we have been focusing on to use. In my sociology class we are reading a text called Eviction. While I am reading, I have taken notes in the margins, and looked up many words I was not confident with. Typically I do not do this or am too worried about it. Simply because it takes more time, but this semester I have found it very helpful and has improved my grade.

This semester I have stretched my writing ability by applying more things to my life that I would not have thought to do in the past. By going to the writing center to get help on  my essay was something that really helped me. I learned last semester that tutors and the writing centers can be very helpful in the writing process.

Typically in class I try to participate at least once or twice in class as well as engage with others in my group. One thing I find difficult is being the one to volunteer first, so I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and breaking this cycle as I get to know the members in my group better. With the participation rubric in mind I would give myself a solid A, simply because I have been excelling at the coursework, and there's always room for improvement to get to an A+.


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