Journal #3

1.     “Walnuts were thumping to ground in the night like stalking footsteps of some large thing that never quite came into view.”

As a writer I can observe the illustration that using mysterious and such vivid writing you can almost make the reader feel a sense of suspense. This makes the audience want to keep reading.

2.     “She snatched his nearest ear and until his jaw fell loose.”

This line specifically makes the reader feel and imagine the pain that Harold was in. However, it shows us as writers that with such lessons presented, such as being thankful what you already have instead of desiring what you don’t. With such language, you can present lessons in writing.

3.     “Walnuts were thumping to ground in the night like stalking footsteps of some large thing that never quite came into view, and Jessup had paced on this porch in a worried slouch, dented nose snuffling, lantern jaw smoked by beard, eyes uncertain and alarmed by each walnut thump.”

This quote is a good example for me as a writer because it is descriptive and gives the audience a good look and understanding as to what is happening in the story. And when this dialogue is used it draws the reader in to read more and that is a great writing attribute to have.


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